We love to help --- and we are good at it! Contact us if you have ideas for fundraising events, or if you would like to have us join you for your pitch to colleagues, friends, or family members!
OUR MISSION IS THAT SIMPLE. United Way of Greater Warren County strengthens our region by raising funds, granting those funds to organizations and programs doing the good work, and collaborating with local stakeholders to improve resilience, well-being, and sense of belonging for every individual regardless of their cultural or socioeconomic background. Every year, we raise money for local organizations and programs that respond to a variety of needs in our region. 100% OF EVERY DONATION IS EXTENDED TO THIS EFFORT. We are responsible for helping local agencies succeed. And, we realize the power in giving a little collectively so that local agencies receive a lot.
Our digital peer to peer option helps you run a smooth and efficient local fund raiser that helps your family, friends, and neighbors!
We make giving easy! Whether it is a dollar or one-thousand dollars, every donation adds up to a lot of local support! What's more, it makes you feel really good!
We invite you to use the tools below for either a workplace or peer-to-peer campaign. Included here is a WORKPLACE PLANNING GUIDE, an INFOGRAPH ON HOW DONATIONS WORK and UNIVERSAL PLEDGE FORM, a HOW YOU CAN AFFORD TO GIVE INFOGRAPH, a TEXT TO GIVE AD free for social media use, and finally, United Way's ALICE report, which shows the percentage of those who are working full time in our local area, but yet still cannot meet their daily needs. Finally, we are providing campaign information for social media here:
Every year, we begin our campaign at zero. And, every year, the multitude of nonprofits supported by this campaign count on US to raise funds to support them. By doing this, local organizations providing service to Individuals, children, and families in our region can concentrate on the incredible work they are doing for all of us... because all of us are in this together!
Whether you are able to give one dollar or one-thousand dollars, every dollar makes a difference. And, unique to United Way of Greater Warren County, 100% OF EVERY DOLLAR RAISED IN OUR ANNUAL CAMPAIGN IS ALLOCATED TO LOCAL NONPROFITS AND PROGRAMS that make us a healthier, happier community!